At the Perugia Training Center we welcome international students from around the world. It must be emphasized that students from all countries other than those of the European Union need a student visa. From the moment you are accepted on the course, those students who reside outside of the EU should apply for this visa immediately.

The visa needs to be obtained from the Italian Consulate in home country of residence, on the basis of the official letter of acceptance from the Centre.

Student Visa

Upon acceptance, students will receive a letter to take with them to the Italian Consulate of their home country of residence to use for their student visa application.

Students are advised to thoroughly research all the other visa requirements prior to applying.
In general, the Italian Consulate requires the following information for Student Visa Applications:
• Letter of acceptance and Course brochure
• Visa application form duly filled out
• Passport photos
• A valid passport for the duration of your stay in Italy
• Proof of financial means
• Proof of accommodation in Perugia
• Round-trip airplane ticket

Please contact the Italian Embassy in your country for more information.

Medical Insurance

Each student is advised to have medical insurance (including hospitalization) which is valid for Italy and for the entire period of the student’s stay in Italy. All students who have private foreign medical insurance are required to have a declaration/statement /certificate endorsing the validity of their medical insurance and issued by the Italian consulate/embassy.